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Reach out to us with any questions, comments or stories you might have.

We'd love to hear from you!

Let's Connect!


Dubai, UAE


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  • What am I getting out of this?
    A connection with our listeners. We have notable investors, C-Suite folks, directors of renowned companies, startup founders and new graduates listening to the stories of whoever has taken the leap of faith with us. It isn’t a business meeting. It’s a relaxed, conversational, open environment where you’re delving into who you are as opposed to what you do. With us, you can skip the first few meetings of getting to know each other. You become a part of The Zed Medium Community.
  • What kind of questions can I expect?
    The easiest kind. They’re questions about you. And who knows you better than yourself? Well, we’re excluding your mother for obvious reasons (we really don’t want that competition). We’re excavators connecting dots with the information you provide us.
  • Can I send you a list of questions that I would like to you ask?
    The short answer - No. We are honest in our communication and a preliminary research is done to make sure we’re covering all aspects of your life. Added questions create a bias, especially when they’re coming from you.
  • How long is the process?
    It depends on the conversation. Once you are onboard, the conversation flows. The minimum amount of time is 45 minutes but we have passed the 3-hour threshold in the past.
  • What is the preferred language on the podcast?
    The official language of the podcast is English. Slipping in a few words from your regional languages… not a problem! We’ll explain them in English. We’re en route to branching out of English and creating a separate listener base for other major languages.
  • Will I be charged to be on the podcast?
    No. We do not believe that people sharing their individual journey should be charged a fee. However, we offer the service to companies looking to spread their vision in their organization. In that case, we work with you in every conceivable way to make a tailored episode, fit for your organization. Reach out to us at to know more about the same!
  • Do you only interview famous people?
    Absolutely not. We do the occasional interview with one but it’s not only for the well-known.
  • What am I getting out of this?
    Let’s respond with a question of our own. How many times have you had a conversation with someone to listen to them and not to respond? The Zed Medium podcast is one where we do the talking for you and weave a new individual’s story in a way that you extract whatever morale you want out of it. You get the guest’s secrets to success, their failures, their obstacles so that you do not necessarily make the same mistakes along the way. We’re the moving walkway you find at the airports, taking you where you need to be, only faster!
  • Where can I listen to the podcast?
    Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Pocket Casts, Deezer, the newly launched Amazon Music for podcasts and this very website! Check out the website footer for all the links
  • Is there a charge?
    No, we do not charge our listeners (well, we do look for sponsors). You can listen to us wherever you want, however you want, on whatever platform you want.
  • How many episodes do you publish?
    Season Two, like Season One will have a bi-weekly upload structure - every Monday and Thursday until we have covered, what we feel, the entire spectrum of professions for that season.
  • How long is each podcast?
    Each episode is different but they come anywhere between the 20 and 30 minute range. In the age of an 8-second attention span, we know we stretched out a bit but you’ll have to listen to find out why we couldn’t hold ourselves back.
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