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#45 Featuring Almst Studios

Hey there,


This one is about almst studios.


With all the effort that one puts in to build something from the ground up, it’s imperative that the outside world gauge the business through the very lens that the founder uses to perceive what they’ve created.


At times however, there is an uncertainty. The way forward starts blurring when, for reasons unexplainable, there is a certain gap between how the business is being perceived.


To bridge this very gap, in the midst of the pandemic, I left my job and started Almst Studios. And why the name - Almst Studios, you ask? It’s because we gracefully enter when an organisation is almost there and are in need of assistance; which can range from design, strategy, storytelling, branding consultancy to animation, packaging and photography.


It began with me puttering around with freelancing, growing slowly and then all at once. What started as a one-woman enterprise, is now a team of 6 with three different departments making this a wholesome family that is putting out content that we’ve always wanted out there.


At the core of this studio is an aligned vision to align others with their vision. Several deliberations, arguments, delegations, ideas, long nights and early mornings later, we are working with the best in the industry and we continue to do the same for as long as we can.


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